Our Inaugaral Exhibition


"100 Flowers of Psyche"

by Ilioki, Richard Stott 

A Free Exhibition 

From 24th August to 24th September

 Ilioki is a name of artist and mystic Ric Stott whose work explores spirituality, wildness and the sensual body through painting, drawing, writing and ritual performance. 

They have an MFA in Fine Art from Sheffield Hallam University and over 20 years’ experience of creating sacred space in a wide variety of contexts woven alongside their art practice  

Ilioki’s artwork seeks to provoke new ideas about what it means to be human, to relate to those around us and to transcendent realities. This work emerges from sessions of meditation and trance journeying as embodied artifacts of soul work, as well as through physical ritual engagement with landscapes and sacred spaces. They are offered in the hope that some images will resonate with your story and open windows to new experiences and new ways of being. 

Instagram @ricstott 

100 Flowers of Psyche is a series of 100 paintings on A3 (29.7x42cm) size cotton handmade paper using collage, oil paint and mixed media. 

The paintings emerge from the artist’s practice of meditation, ritual and trance journeying to bring transcendent experiences into physical form. Each one is a unique artifact that invites the viewer into new ways of seeing and being. the interweaving of photographs from old magazines with abstract marks and colours in paint serve as a catalyst for gateways between our concrete reality and a more expansive space of infinite dreaming. 

Ancient/Future Myths (2023) 

A series of paintings made on the remains of older paintings cut up and collaged together to provide the foundation for new work to emerge. On New years Eve 2022 Ilioki offered a ritual of thanks to the divine beings, places, wild experiences and archetypal energies of the tarot that had enabled growth over the previous year. They then made drawings in charcoal made from the branches of a sacred tree that then developed into this series of paintings. 


24 AUG-


“100 Flowers of Psyche” Wild Soulscapes by Ilioki, (Richard Stott, @ricstott). A collection of works on paper and canvas on display until 24th of September. A Free Exhibition. Open every day during shop hours-check for times.
Workshops hosted by our resident Artist
  • Free Meditation Session Led by our Resident Artist Ilioki
  •  Meditation into Art Making Workshop Led by our Resident Artist Ilioki (3hrs) 
  • Meditation into Art Making Workshop Led by our Resident Artist Ilioki (2hr) (Kids and Young adults Session)
  • Closing Meditation and Ceremony TBA

REPOTTING WORKSHOP with Our resident Plant Pro Jean Luc

 Spaces are limited-Book Your Place


Streatham's Art Festival Returns
We'll be hosting Artist Steven Gappy,
who will be exhibiting his works through out our store-
With a wide variety of artists displaying works along 
Streatham's Shops and Hotspots
11 OCT MGLDN Solo Exhibition Opening with Poetry and Music

19 OCT

Observe and Draw Workshop with Local Artist Melanie Russell

Book Your Place

20 OCT 

MGLDN Closing Event


Keep an eye out for our Seasonal Wreath Making Workshops with Cecilia-
To be announced soon!